venerdì 23 ottobre 2009

curly endives with some spring oninons

After a few days of cold snap and thermal shock, my kitchen garden is taking back its regular 'winter shape'. Sicilian broccoli, endives and others plants are surving well through the first round of cold. I presume they can cope well with this sudden change of temperature!
I have sowed some peas and planted some garlic too! Since rotation of crops is very important in organic planting, my peas and garlic are in the new beds and I hope they are going to do well together with romaine lettuce and poppies!
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mercoledì 14 ottobre 2009

Thermal shock

The temperature has gone down drastically, leaving us gasping for more air. Thermal shock!The difference between this morning and the day before is more than 10 degrees! The temperature has gone down to 4 degrees at around 7.30 am in the morning with some thick ice on my windscreen (it is quite unlikely to have ice in the middle of October) It was so warm a few days ago and suddenly with 30 minutes storm, it has changed the weather completely. My body can't cope with this sudden change of temperature and so does my brain.
I couldn't resist to see what happened to my kitchen garden as I just planted light green broccoli and salads a few days agos..... I think the plants are coping very well with this sudden cold and my kitchen garden is saved at the moment.

domenica 11 ottobre 2009

Magic Nuts!


Take a closer look at these nuts! They look like 'dried mata kucing' that we can buy at the local shop but I call these 'magic nuts!' because it works like magic! These are sapindus mukarossi. It is a type of nut that contains active natural soap ingredient and biodegradable too.

I have found these nuts at a local bioshop and did not think twice to get them.They are also called 'soapberry'. These nuts are natural laundry soap and by using only 5 or 7 nuts (put them in a small bag which is given together) and put that small bag together with your laundry. Of course the end result of your washing won't smell like lavander or wild rose but they are absolutely smell fresh! The best thing about this soapberry is that you can reuse them for 2 or 3 times! You can get approximately 50 washings just from 250 grams of these nuts. If you like your laundry to have sweet smell, just put a few drops of essential oil together with these magic nuts!

domenica 4 ottobre 2009

Autumn/Spring Kitchen Garden

The day is still warm and in fact it is warmer than usual. It is early October and the sun is still scorching hot in the middle of the day and the temperature can go up to 28 degrees Celcius.

I planted more or less the same vegetables like last year but without beets. However, I planted more red cabbages, Italian parsley, Sicilian broccoli, romaine lettuce and 'puntarelle'. Puntarelle is a family of chicory and is best eaten raw with garlic and anchovies. It is an early spring salad and you have to cut them in small strips and put in a bowl of cold water. Then, these small strips will curl up and become very crunchy. I love to clean and cut them into small strips. Eventhough certain people might think that cutting and cleaning puntarelle is more suitable for old ladies with some spare time to spend, I think it is so 'therapeutic' and even relaxing. I love to see them curling up in the water.

The organization of my kitchen garden this year is more 'linear' with some flower bulbs in between the vegetable rows like tulips and daffodils. Last year the daffodils were extremely spectacular and I am planning to extend the space for them this time. My kitchen garden will blend with many spring flowers and usually it will have an explosion of colours in early April to late May.

This year, I am planning to sow various types of poppies too, (I am a BIG fan of poppies!) like Iceland poppy( I am not that lucky with this poppy) , American poppy and opium poppy and I will put them together with the peas!

I love to do the winter/spring kitchen garden each year as it so rewarding. Working with the nature and observe how it works wonders and only through preserverance and patience, we can see the abundance. However strong my wishes are, there are still a lot of work to do here. Weeding really makes me feel so helpless. It is such unending task. But, as for now I have a few dahlias to admire!