venerdì 25 settembre 2009

Pretty Peppers

Peppers. There are so many shapes and colours. Most of them are mildly hot, 'piccante' (hot), extremely 'piccante' or even sweet. Talking about sweet peppers, there is one particular red pepper which is also beautiful! Beautiful in the sense that the shape is like a miniature pumpkin and it is also shining red in colour! I have found these peppers at the vegetable stall last week and i thought that they were piccante. This is because there is another type of pepper which is similar to this one but smaller in size. They are absolutely so hot, you cannot even feel your tongue when you eat them.
I took these pretty peppers home and just put them together with other fruits. It took some days for me to decide what i was going to do with them. My son thought that those peppers were some exotic fruits!

Then, i decided to bake them stuffed simply with tuna flakes (from the tin), parsley, garlic and tomatoes. We had them for lunch and dinner and found out that those peppers were not only pretty but very sweet too. Together with the tomatoes, they make a perfect combinations!

lunedì 21 settembre 2009

Eid ul Fitri

Wish all of our friends the best of Eid ul Fitri al Mubarak. We hope that this year's celebration of Eid is more meaningful with families and friends. We also should not forget the other Muslims who are not able to celebrate Eid in the safe environment like in the Occupied Area of Gaza.
On the morning of Eid, i went to the mosque for the 9.30am prayer and witnessed the most colorful and diversified the Muslim population in Rome. Outside the mosque, there were so many stalls mainly from the Middle East selling so many delicacies like kebab, sweets and gourmet specialties.
At about 1 pm, we invited our Malaysian friends who reside in the Eternal City for lunch at our house. I cooked laksa johor, lontong (with sambal sotong), kuah sate' and rendang. I even cooked my 'nasi impit' myself. I know that my cookings could not compare with my mother's back home but i think she is proud to know that i cooked everything from scratch. I know that this year my mother prepared 'sup kaki lembu', which is one of her specialties for hariraya. Apparently this year she only bought 4 kaki lembu because she couldn't get hold of 8 like last year!
My mother's sup kaki lembu is so unlike the other soups that she usually prepares. The preparation is absolutely meticulous and tedious. However, the end result is S.U.P.E.R.B!

lunedì 14 settembre 2009

Autumn Fruits

I am blessed to able to live in Italy; a land of abundance. We still have a lot of fruits in our garden like figs, plums, apples and grapes during this time of the year. In fact I can say that we have a lot of fruits throughout the year except in March and April.

The figs ( buah tin) are simply delicious.We have at least 4 types of figs in the garden and each year they give us loads of fresh fruits. These figs are very soft and that is why they can't be exported and they also have short shelf life. Figs can simply be eaten right after you pick them or if you like, it can be eaten with Italian country bread. I am not a fan of bread, so just simply pop in my mouth is the best way to do. Or, if you love cheese, figs can be eaten with 'ricotta' (goat cheese) with some honey drizzled on top.
We have different kinds of grapes too. I am not so keen on grapes because i am so used to eat 'seedless' Californian grapes (much to my husband's disappointment). However, the grapes that we have in the garden will keep well right until December each year. It is nice to eat fresh grapes from the garden during that time of the year when there is nothing we can eat from the garden. I have never seen the seedless grapes so far, but i can find the grapes which are called 'pizzutello', which almost do not have any seeds.

Plums! Lovely. We have so many varieties of plums in the garden and we have different plum each month from June to September each year! The Italians give many strange names to their plums like 'coscia di monaca' (nun's thigh), giocce d'oro (the gold drop) and many others.
However, we are not lucky with peaches. Peach tree needs a lot of chemical treatment and since we do not give any unorganic substance to our trees, i am just happy with some small fruits that we have.
The day is getting shorter and the temperature is getting cooler especially during the day. Autumn is obviously the best time for me!

giovedì 10 settembre 2009


Dear friends... nampak apa tu kat gambar sebelah sana? This is a real picture and nothing was added or omitted to the image. It is a real 4 m ular sawa!
We have found this 'ular sawa' on the last evening before my children left for Italy. We went out for dinner at the Putrajaya Seafood Restaurant and on the way to that restaurant, while we we walking on the deck of the corriodor suddenly Dina said to me, so calmly ..'mummy, it is snake...' just simply pointed to that creature which at that time was only like half a meter. I am a 'geli' type of person and quickly called the restaurant workers. One of the workers asked me about the length of the snake and i simply said that it is not that big and probably only a meter long. So, they went to take a small fishing net (which actually looks like a butterfly net to me). We went straight to the restaurant and started to order our dinner.
After about more than half an hour the waiter asked me whether i wanted to see the snake that we have found (to tell you frankly, i have forgotten about the snake... this is obviously the syndromme of short term memory). I said nicely to him that i am quite afraid of any reptile bigger than a house lizard. But he insisted that i take a look because it was their biggest catch!
Suddenly my legs became so 'lembik' looking at that 4 m ular sawa! Nak pengsan! My children were so happy to witness the longest and biggest snake right infront of their eyes. It took more than 3 workers to remove it from the plants at the corridor and take a look at the picture.... the snake has not been eating for at least 2 weeks. Dina was so proud telling her relatives in Italy that she was the one who 'found' the 4m snake. Snake to the westerners is such an exotic animal and to find it right infront of you can really make a 'hit story'. It is an experience that she will never forget.

mercoledì 9 settembre 2009

Back to real LIFE

I am safely back in Italy after almost 3 months 'raya keling'. As the term implies... it takes quite sometime to be back to normal schedules. However, i have one song especially for me, i do not remember who is the singer, but it is something like this '.... back to life,back to reality...' It is really the right song to describe my situation right now.

However, there is nothing to complain. We had a good time with families and friends. As this time i also celebrated my 40th birthday, so this summer vacation is really special. On that auspicious day, i went to visit the Wetland Park in Putrajaya. It is not really a big place but going around on the mountain bike until noon was really fun. Then, later we went to Kuala Kuantan to see the fireflies. It is so amazing, looking at thousands and thousands of 'kelip-kelip' !Beautiful! It is more beautiful if we could go later at night when it is really dark. We had to take a small 'sampan' and go through the dark with just the sounds of the water flowing is very exciting, especially for the children. As for me, it is exactly like cerita-cerita zaman dulu (in black and white)... where Normadiah and Aziz Satar happily singing.....It was really a birthday treat for me besides my 4 cupcakes and 4 balloons! I strongly insisted to Vittorio that i wanted to have 40 balloons but ..... 4 balloons were more than enough!